Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Heroic Assumptions

   If you can't deal with contrasting opinions, the problem is yours, not mine. -- Pug Mahoney.

   "When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean."  -- Humpty Dumpty
  "The question is, whether you can make words mean so many different things." -- Alice
   "The question is, which is to be master -- that's all." -- Humpty Dumpty

   Assumption 1: Everyone will do as I say because I say so.
   Assumption 2: Truthful hyperbole is only harmless exaggeration.
   Assumption 3: Alternative facts have equal importance, especially when they support what I already believe.
   Assumption 4: The story that five million votes were illegally cast in the election is true.
   Assumption 5: It must be true because it matches my belief.
   Assumption 6: All five million were cast for my opponent.
   Assumption 7: I would have won the popular vote if not for all that fraud.
   Assumption 8: Anyone who disagrees with my beliefs and opinions is an ignorant liar and a totally dishonest person.
   Assumption 9: I am exempt from laws, traditions and regulations because I am the president.
   Assumption 10: All those things must be true because I heard it from a lot of people or I read it somewhere. Once I post it on Twitter, that makes it all even more true.
   Therefore, I can do what I want and say what I want and everyone must agree or be fired.

   Welcome to the White House Wonderland.

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